Flea-tique! is taking a break during the festive period to recharge and will be back in 2009 - bigger, badder and better!
Plans for the next Flea-tique! are on the way, the next one is scheduled to happen in March 2009 and every quarterly from then on.
Just join our facebook group (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=25185310701) and we will update you with more details by and by.
Have a lovely 2008! (What's left of it, anyways)
Much love and Christmas cheers!
PS: If you can't sign up on our Notify list (it is kinda buggy), please join our facebook group instead! It is the quickest way to get updates. Or kindly email to us with (the Subject Header: Mailing List) and we will add you to our list!